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February 14th
The Creative Organisation - Your source of Innovation
The innovation consultants in business strategy marketing and design

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[ Copyright ]

This site, including the design graphics phtotographs text and programming scripts incorporated therein, is copyright worldwide © 2008,11 Alison Mary Wheeler for The Creative Organisation, London England.

The authors assert their moral rights under Chapter IV of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988 and to those granted under the Berne Convention.

Some text, which may not be separately identified, may have been authored elsewhere and copyright assigned to Alison Mary Wheeler and or The Creative Organisation for web distribution purposes only. Some images, which may not be separately identified, may have been authored elsewhere and copyright assigned to Alison Mary Wheeler and or The Creative Organisation for web distribution purposes on this site only.

If you wish to replicate text or images present on this site for any purpose whatsoever permission must be obtained in advance from The Creative Organisation (legal@creative.org.uk). A fee may be payable.